
Showing posts from August, 2022


 Based on the evidence that I have about the outside of earth is like it’s going to be a demon hole. The reason I say a demon hole is because if it sucks you in and won’t release you it’s pretty scary. My reaction to the image is shocked because it’s looking nothing like I imagine it. The sound of the black hole is scary and weird. Life is valuable but part of me wants to visit space.


 Today in class we worked on our orgin myth. Me personally I like it because we get to come up with the stories ourself and make it go how we want it to go. The only thing I don’t like about it is that we had to do a page and half which wasn’t that bad because we make the story up ourself.

Creative writing

For todays lesson we built a character and created a story around that character. 


 Today in class we watched a short film called identity which I had a lot to say about because it relates to day to day life. The film also tells you to be yourself and not be a follower. We also took notes on Native Americans and the organ miths which was an interesting topic. We are connected with animals and earth in our own way which I don’t believe. I believe we can connect to our ancestors when they go on by watching over me or sending me hints. Even tho my ancestors are not here anymore I won’t disrespect them by using their names in arguments and just letting them rest in piece. We took the definition of a couple words which are myth , legends and religions. We also did example to go with the words to make it a little more easier.


 Today was a pretty easy and relaxed day. Today we talked about the different parts of speech like imagery, simile, metaphor etc. Going over the different type of speech had always been easy for me because this is my favorite thing in Ela to talk about. The 3 minute video was about how fast life can go by. Today was a 10/10.

What do you think your purpose in life is?

 I think my purpose in life is to succeed because I’m honestly can’t imagine being homeless or broke. I feel that way because I worked hard to graduate school , make goals for myself and stay on the right track. Being successful is also important to me because the way rent and bill are sky-rocking you have to have a well paying job to afford them. I plan on going to college for business and opening up my own hair shop. The purpose of life is to live meaning get money while your young and relax when your old.

Introduction 8/16

 Today was a very easy, and interesting lesson. We learned about breaking down a poem and race. Today we also talked about family tree, race, and where we come from. We took time today to talk about the past meaning slavery, civil rights and facts that add up all the way up to today. We analyzed a poem about how we grew to be wiser and stronger. Today was a good 9/10 because it was an interesting topic and had me engaged and it was fun asking questions. Learning about what our ancestors had to go through back in the day teaches me to be grateful.


 Hey, I’m Shamiah, age 16 and I’m from Decatur Georgia. Some of the things I like to do for fun is hang out with friends and go to lounges. Goals I have this year is to pass all my class , be on time to school and stay calm and collect at all times. School is very important to me because I made it this far so it’s mandatory that I graduate. I work 24/7 so having fun is sometimes hard and rare. I like being from Decatur because I feel like I fit in with my city it’s a lot of things to do down here. Blogging seems like it’s going to be a lot of fun.


 My name is Shamiah Carter I’m class of 2024. I’m very outspoken and real with my self and everyone else around me. High school has been a challenge so far so this year I plan on staying on top of everything especially work. This year I plan on staying on top of my grade/passing all my classes. I also plan on staying out of trouble which means to just follow the rules and no talking back. My last goal this year is to stay out of drama and staying out the halls which means no skipping classes or skipping school. I have 1 more year of school so these goals are to keep me in line to ensure that I graduate on time .